December 14, 2023

What is the Difference between Interior Linear and Exterior Linear Lights?

Interior linear lights and exterior linear lights designed for different environments and applications, and they have distinct features to accommodate the specific requirements of indoor and outdoor settings. Here are the key differences between interior and exterior linear lights:

1. Construction and Materials:

  • Interior Linear Lights:
    • Materials: Firstly, interior linear lights are typically construct using materials optimized for indoor use, such as aluminum, acrylic, or other lightweight materials.
    • Finishes: Interior linear lights may have finishes and coatings suitable for indoor environments, where exposure to harsh weather conditions is not a concern.
  • Exterior Linear Lights:
    • Materials: Exterior linear lights are build with materials that can withstand outdoor elements, including moisture, UV rays, and temperature variations. For example,common materials include corrosion-resistant metals, toughened glass, and weatherproof plastics.
    • Finishes: Exterior linear lights often feature protective coatings and finishes to prevent rust, corrosion, and discoloration caused by prolonged exposure to the elements.

2. Water and Dust Resistance:

  • Interior Linear Lights:
    • Interior lights are not explicitly design to resist water or dust, as these factors are typically not present in controlled indoor environments. While they may have some level of protection, it is not a primary consideration.
  • Exterior Linear Light:
    • Exterior linear lights are design to be water-resistant and, in many cases, fully waterproof. So they often have higher Ingress Protection (IP) ratings to withstand rain, snow, and other weather conditions. The IP rating indicates the level of protection against solids (first digit) and liquids (second digit).

3. UV Resistance:

  • Interior Linear Lights:
    • UV resistance may not be a priority for interior lights since they not exposed to direct sunlight.
  • Exterior Linear Lights:
    • Exterior lights are often UV-resistant to prevent fading or discoloration when exposed to sunlight over extended periods.

4. Temperature Range:

  • Interior Linear Lights:
    • Designed to operate within standard indoor temperature ranges, interior lights may not be optimized for extreme hot or cold conditions.
  • Exterior Linear Light:
    • Exterior lights are engineered to function in a broader temperature range to accommodate the diverse climates encountered outdoors.

5. Installation and Mounting:

  • Interior Linear Lights:
    • Installation methods for interior lights may focus more on aesthetics and ease of integration with interior design elements. They may  install using various mounting options suitable for indoor spaces.
  • Exterior Linear Light:
    • Exterior lights require robust mounting systems that can withstand wind, rain, and other external forces. Mounting options for exterior lights are designed to ensure stability and durability in outdoor conditions.

6. Electrical Safety:

  • Interior Linear Lights:
    • Interior lights are typically design with standard electrical safety features since they are not expose to the same environmental challenges as outdoor lights.
  • Exterior Linear Light:
    • Exterior lights may have additional electrical safeguards to protect against water infiltration and other outdoor-specific hazards.

In conclusion

Finally, the key differences between interior and exterior linear lights lie in their construction, materials, resistance to environmental factors, and features designed to meet the specific demands of their intended locations. It’s crucial to choose the right type of linear lights based on the application and the environment in which they will be installed.