November 24, 2023

Hot or Non-Hot LED Linear Washer Lights: Making the Right Choice for Optimal Performance

Choosing between hot and non-hot LED linear washer lights can be a critical decision when it comes to achieving optimal lighting performance. Light failure and the role of heat in LED wall washers have been subjects of debate within the industry. In this comprehensive blog, we will delve deeper into the impact of heat on LED linear washer lights, explore factors affecting light attenuation, and provide guidance for selecting the best linear washer lights for your lighting needs.

1. Heat Dissipation and Light Failure:

LED linear washer lights generate heat during operation, which can significantly impact their performance and lifespan. While the ideal working temperature range is typically between -5°C and 0°C, it is often challenging to maintain this environment. Heat affects light decay, as approximately 80% of the electrical energy is converted into heat energy, while only 20% is transformed into light energy. To address heat dissipation issues, LED linear washer lights utilize aluminum lamp bodies, allowing efficient heat dissipation. Maintaining a lower ambient temperature enhances the light extraction rate while exceeding the maximum operating temperature of the LED chip can lead to lamp failure.

2. Factors Influencing Light Attenuation:

Several factors contribute to light attenuation in LED wall washers. These include the thermal resistance of the LED chip itself, the influence of silver glue, the heat dissipation effect of the substrate, and the characteristics of the colloid and gold wire. When selecting linear washer lights, it is crucial to choose a light source carrier that effectively manages light attenuation within a specific timeframe. Optimal heat dissipation plays a vital role in extending the service life of the LED light source. Junction temperatures exceeding 85°C can accelerate light decay or lead to premature failure. Therefore, selecting lamps with superior heat conduction properties can significantly enhance the lifespan of the light source.

3. Managing Light Decay:

While complete elimination of light decay is challenging, it is possible to mitigate its effects by choosing high-quality LED linear washer lights with exceptional heat dissipation performance. By prioritizing superior products, you can effectively slow down light decay and extend the overall lifespan of the lamps. Additionally, reducing the workload on the lamps during usage, such as controlling operating temperatures and minimizing excessive usage, can further enhance their longevity and performance.

4. Color Rendering

For architectural tasks, choose linear washers rated 90+ CRI to accurately render surface colors and details. Lower CRI sources wash out colors. Higher CRI options also result in a more natural appearance.


When selecting LED Wall washer lights, understanding the impact of heat dissipation and light decay is crucial for achieving optimal lighting performance. Opting for high-quality linear washer lights with efficient heat conduction properties can significantly extend the lifespan of the light source. By making informed decisions and considering the heat dissipation performance of the lamps, you can ensure exceptional illumination and longevity for your lighting solutions.