December 4, 2023

A Guide to Outdoor Linear Lighting: Power Supply and Installation

Outdoor linear lighting is gaining popularity in night landscape lighting projects due to its versatility and impactful illumination. Power supplies for these lighting fixtures must be properly matched to ensure optimal performance and longevity. This blog will cover power supply considerations, linear lights, and a wiring diagram for Win-E Illumination’s single-color linear lights.

Power Supply Selection:

LED linear lights typically operate at different voltage levels, including high-voltage AC220V, DC24V, and DC12V. Among these options, DC24V is commonly used in outdoor projects. When selecting a power supply, it is essential to know the power rating of the linear lights per meter. The conventional linear lights come in power ratings of 10W, 12W, and 15W. Power supply models with 350W and 400W are commonly available from various brands like Meanwell, Infinite, and Maoshuo. It is advisable to choose a reputable brand and use 80% of the power supply’s capacity to ensure stability and longevity.

Maximum Length of Line Lights:

To determine the maximum length of linear lights that can connected to a power supply, we need to consider the power of the lights and the power supply’s capacity. For a 12W linear light, a 400W power supply can support up to 24 meters. However, it is crucial to consider the power loss due to the distance between the power supply and the lamps. The distance factor will impact the maximum length and should be taken into account during calculations. Which recommended to consult the specifications provided by the power supply manufacturer for precise calculations.

Power Supply Calculation:

As some conventional brand power supplies won’t deliver their full advertised capacity, it is advisable to use conservative power calculations. For a 400W power supply, Which recommended to use 70% or less of its capacity. For instance, a 400W power supply can support approximately 28 meters of 10W lamps or no more than 20 meters of 15W lamps. The same calculation applies to a 350W power supply. By subtracting the power loss and dividing the remaining power by the power rating of the lamps, you can determine the number of lamps that can be connected.

Installation Considerations:

A power supply’s capacity to support meters is vital, but understanding that all linear lights cannot connected in series is equally important. To avoid significant voltage drops, Which recommended to limit the series connection of low-voltage linear lights to six meters. With a 24-meter supply of linear lights, for example, you can divide it into four groups and connect them parallel to the supply’s main line. Each group can connect in series with 6 meters of linear lights, ensuring stable performance.


Understanding how to match the power supply for LED linear lights is essential for successful outdoor linear lighting projects. By selecting an appropriate power supply, considering power ratings, and accounting for voltage drops, you can ensure the longevity and stability of the linear lights. Remember to consult the specifications provided by the power supply manufacturer for accurate calculations. Win-E Illumination’s outdoor linear lighting solutions will enhance the beauty of any outdoor area with proper installation and power supply selection.